Thursday, May 20, 2010


So I am stuck in that stage of life (I am assuming it is a stage that people go through!) where I am experiencing some huge change. Not change as a result of happenings around me, but change as a result of happenings within me. I know that we are all constantly growing and changing, and that we all should try to improve what we can about ourselves. But the past year has been pretty intense and I am at the point of being totally overwhelmed.

It seems like the list never ends. I have gotten very good over the past 32 years of tallying up my list of faults. When I was younger, they were superficial. I got over it as I grew up. My ears stick out. My eyebrows are thick; my calves are thick, too! That list comes easily, but honestly, I have learned to not care much about that stuff. (Bobby thinks I am beautiful. I'm not trying to impress anyone else!)

But now, my list is more personal, more intimate. I'm looking at personality traits and wondering if they are good or need to go. Some things that I feel like are part of who I am at my core. And even if they are wrong or bad, or even just not the best, they are part of me. They are part of who I am. They are the result of the life I have lived. So when it comes time to change them or get rid of them altogether, it is painful. I am digging ridiculously deep and ripping it all apart. I know I need to, but I feel the pain so intensely sometimes.

Ginny Owens wrote a song about being a smooth pebble in a river bed. She was only smooth because she had been rushed over by the intense waves. I think it was Ginny Owens that wrote the song about walking through the fire too... I used to think they were such great songs. Now I think they suck.

I am tired. Is this how life works? Am I continually in a state of ripping away the layers of me that make me less of who God wants me to be? I am afraid the answer is yes.

I really do want to be all that God created me to be. I just didn't have any idea that it was going to be such hard work.

1 comment:

  1. Your thoughts are so familiar. Sometimes life is just...hard. I think we always reevaluate our lives, at least I do, and it sounds like you, do, too. I wish my daughters knew at their age what I know now. I've learned so much about myself in the last several years!
    BTW when I read your posts, I am reminded to pray, not only for you, but for all our pastors' wives. It's a unique role.
